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tagged pictures for facebook. Its really fun to tag your
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  • abrown2
    Nov 24, 01:00 AM
    Any buy 1 get 1 free deals? They would make a killing!

    tagged pictures for facebook. Facebook Tag Your Friends As
  • Facebook Tag Your Friends As

  • Northgrove
    May 3, 01:49 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

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  • facebook photos tagged of you

  • Evmanw
    Apr 22, 01:11 PM
    Just to make a point of how stupid this whole thing is I voted every one of Arn's posts negative.:)

    And you are why this system won't work.

    I do like the system though. Just hours before the buttons were added, I was wishing there was a like button because a post was really helpful. ;)

    tagged pictures for facebook. to your facebook and tag
  • to your facebook and tag

  • zweigand
    Mar 28, 02:49 PM
    Perfectly reasonable to expect an "Apple Design Award" winner to be available in the App Store. It's Apple's award to give.

    tagged pictures for facebook. Facebook Tag Your Friends
  • Facebook Tag Your Friends

  • Aniej
    Jan 9, 05:08 PM
    OK if anyone wants to make up for the spoiler incidents, I would appreciate someone pointing out a application that allows you to save quicktime and other forms of media by downloading it to our computers (aside from the obvious purchase to a quicktime pro). For example downloadhelper is normally great at this, but it is not kicking in for me in this situation. :confused:

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  • facebook-tagged-photos-not-

  • DiamondMac
    Mar 25, 11:33 AM
    The ability to know that my computer will load, not break down, etc...has been price-less for me with Mac OS's

    Love it and will continue using it

    tagged pictures for facebook. when they#39;ve been tagged.
  • when they#39;ve been tagged.

  • tk421
    Oct 19, 12:39 PM
    Check out this to boost Mac OS X market share:


    If Apple does it, Windows (read M$) will be out of business in three years!

    That idea is certainly not new. It's been debated lots of times on this site, and it's not that simple. Even the article itself doesn't say Microsoft will be out of business. It says Apple market share could be 20%.

    One of the problems with being software-only is that Apple makes a lot of money from their hardware. Another problem is that they have less control over the product. If they can't control the hardware, the software will face more issues.

    Anyway, I doubt they'd license the OS, and I wouldn't want them to.

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  • facebook tagged photo untag 3

  • SuperBrown
    Jan 15, 05:59 PM
    Compare the MBA to this sony notebook with similar specs:


    Whoa! Had no idea sub-notebooks cost that much. :eek:

    If apple is trying to break into that market then maybe they do have something in MBA.

    I think my disappointment (and that of many others) may stem from the fact that they really didn't come out with anything for me.

    TV untethered from a computer + price drop + iTunes movie rentals is interesting. So is Time Capsule. Not earth-shaking enough, though, to make me run to the apple store this instant.

    And $20 for iPod touch software. I don't own one, but I'd feel like I got screwed if I did.

    tagged pictures for facebook. Upload it to facebook and tag
  • Upload it to facebook and tag

  • gootz
    Aug 7, 07:50 PM
    Yeah, I'm paying cash so I'm calling my local Apple store tonight (Stoneridge Pleasanton) to see if they have the newer ones? I doubt it, they always lag on the new stuff. I've been holding off on buying now for a few weeks... Thank god!

    So I talk to the Apple store dude who knows nothing about any updates except price. Whay are the chances the ACD I buy tonight is a newer model? How long do I wait?:rolleyes:

    tagged pictures for facebook. to tag “Pages” in Facebook
  • to tag “Pages” in Facebook

  • pgw3
    Aug 1, 04:27 PM
    I don't FEEL ignorant and stupid. Maybe that's because I took the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the limitations imposed on me by iTunes/iPod before I BOUGHT in. And maybe because I understand that what I am BUYING is a DIGITAL DATA FILE that must be interpreted by a certain APPLICATION to become music, and that this was EXPLAINED to me before I BOUGHT. That I don't OWN the MUSIC, and that there are LIMITATIONS to what I can do with it. ( And if you think I'm wrong on that last point, let a copyright holder catch you using their music for commmercial gain. Write back to us and describe the world of hurt that descends on you)!

    The fact of the matter is that reasonable DRM's protect the artists who are the source of the music. And Apples DRM is one the most reasonable in the industry, both protecting the artist, and allowing fair use by the customer.

    The problem is that the license says that the limitations can change at any time, so one doesn't really know what one buys, even if one has read the license - which I'm sure most people has not. I don't believe that the complaint is first and foremost about the DRM (which one may have opinions about exactly how it is implemented and shared but most anyway recognises it as a necessary evil) but rather what is summarised in these two sentences: "it is unreasonable that the agreement the consumer must give consent to is regulated by English law. That iTunes disclaims all liability for possible damage the software may cause and that it may alter the rights to the music". I think most of us agree that it is not reasonable that that which we buy can destroy anything on our computer and that they can e.g. suddenly just allow me to play a song just five times. And even though we all trust and like Apple these sort of licences are getting sillier and sillier (and it is certainlly not just Apple, it is basically the whole industry) and I think it is really good that someone who has the time and knowledge to fight it takes a stand against it, even though I believe shutting down the store may be overkill but I'm sure it won't come to that.



    tagged pictures for facebook. With tag suggestions, Facebook
  • With tag suggestions, Facebook

  • Cassie
    Jan 16, 09:07 PM
    I called it!:D

    You sure did. :)

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  • Signs Facebook Tag Your

  • Aperture
    Apr 4, 03:20 PM
    In your car (Drive SLOW) take your computer (while the 360 is connected) and go up and down the street(s) recording where the signal drops off and the 360 disconnects. Then I would try to make SURE it is the house you think it is. Oh & perhaps you could post a screenshot of your street(s) from google earth, (just a picture, we dont need the address) so we can see where you are getting the strongest signals/etc. (see below for example)

    Here is what I mean:


    tagged pictures for facebook. You can tag all your favourite
  • You can tag all your favourite

  • scott523
    Nov 24, 12:04 AM
    Apple Canada online store is down for updates now...

    edit: Scott beat me to it.Indeed, some even tried creating new unless threads. :rolleyes:

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  • Tagged Photo Sync for Facebook

  • Manderby
    Apr 30, 03:48 AM
    I mean, sure. Cool that Apple listens, and nice to see they are looking into the look and feel. But hey, can't imagine a more minor change :D
    It's true, it is a minor change in programming but a major change in identifying itself with an interface. Besides, we hardly hear any news about Mac OS X and there is not much to find from the official side. Any news is welcome and for example this news made me more comfortable with Lion. I still have no idea what is going on behind the GUI, speaking: Things that make a huge difference to the existing system.

    Some more news like this would make me wondering if maybe I should take a look. Because right now, I really am not interested in Lion at all and I believe, I am not the only one. And I'm not speaking about my personal little Laptop at home, I'm speaking about the main operating system of dozends of office-computers which I decide what to put on. Snow Leopard gave much more useful information away in advance. Lion does not.

    tagged pictures for facebook. TAGGED ON FACEBOOK (Fox Star

  • ZipZap
    May 4, 04:50 AM
    I don't give a damn. If I pay for a chunk of data, it isn't up to the provider to dictate how I use my data. If I want to syphon fuel out of my vehicle for use in another, that is my decision not Exxon's.


    So much emotional reasoning that leave out facts.

    Your data is meant for use by your iphone. Your T&C prohibits tethering. So you cannot use your data for tethering in ANY form.

    Those that use the analogy of their home internet connection not restricting use...well...that's just it... your T&C there does not restrict devices and use. Not the same thing. As for you gas analogy, again not the same thing. You have no contract with Exxon on how you use your gas. If Exxon made a contract with you to use the gas only in the car that purchased it..it would be the same. You could then decide to buy it or find another source (carrier).

    To sum it up. You are tethering only by virtue of the fact that you have jailbroken your phone...and you want the carriers to agree that this is a normal usage of the phone and therefore that tethering is ok?

    Are you serious?

    You are free to do what you want but dont fault the carrier when then finally catch up to you and force you to stop or pay.

    There is just no other way to view this...

    tagged pictures for facebook. Tag Your Friends On Facebook
  • Tag Your Friends On Facebook

  • thejadedmonkey
    Sep 12, 08:04 AM
    First iTMS wasn't working, now it is.. it's like they're updating the DNS or something.

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  • facebook tagged photos videos

  • ReallyOldGuy
    Apr 15, 04:36 PM
    its a shame someone photo shopped these pictures because they could actually be an unfinished blank but now we wont know until June......

    tagged pictures for facebook. Tagged in an Online Photo.
  • Tagged in an Online Photo.

  • saving107
    May 2, 09:46 AM
    We've been sent the OS and while we haven't loaded it on our iPhone just yet, here is what we have been told it will address:

    - Battery life improvements.

    Well this should make some people very happy (but will it finally, once and for all, fix the battery life of the iPhone?)

    tagged pictures for facebook. Tag Your Facebook Friends
  • Tag Your Facebook Friends

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 12:53 PM
    I am looking forward to installing Windows 8 on my MBA via Parallels. From what I'm seeing, it's looking good, very good!

    Here's a few pictures of the Windows App Store.


    Jan 11, 04:37 PM
    Mid range Mac
    I would hope for a mid range "Cube like" computer only because I'm looking to upgrade soon. It would need to be priced below the US$2299 that the quad core Mac Pro configuration is (to avoid a repeat of the G4 Cube). It should have comparable specs to the 24" iMacs (core 2 duo 2.4GHz and core 2 extreme 2.8GHz) and be priced a couple hundred dollars below its iMac equivalents. I wouldn't see the product as a Mac mini replacement which is largely a sealed box but indeed a true headless iMac sans the display and with PCIe graphics.

    iTunes Rentals
    I'm not fussed about the rentals as I'm in Australia and to tell the truth my pay tv provider offers near on demand video services and I hardly ever use them.

    May 2, 10:07 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    I find it hilarious that people can't grasp which way the data was going in this story. The cached database was an excerpt sent TO your phone FROM Apple so that the phone could calculate it's position faster.

    The database at Apple was 'crowd sourced' and you opted in to that when you clicked on 'Accept' in the SLA, but that was a twice-per-day, anonymous, encrypted data packet sent back to HQ.

    This update is going to clean the cache (something that could very easily be not done now due to a bug) and not accept this file at all if you have Location Services turned off. I bet it won't take long for the same people who were up in arms about this to start complaining about how this "so-called update makes my phone really slow when using Google Maps" or some other such complaint.

    Apr 25, 12:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Despite the source of the image being not 100% trusted, this seems to be most accurate sounding rumour. Although I do not think that it will be called iPhone 4S as this will mess with the versioning numbers because the one after the 4S/5 would be 6.

    No it will go from 4S to 5 lol

    Jul 21, 11:29 AM
    What I find interesting is Apple gave a press conference which involved a largely scientific analysis and presentation, wherein they showed:

    - The antenna issue impacts 0.55% of users to the degree they expressed concerns.

    - The call loss issue is 1/100 or less, worse for the new 4 model than the prior 3GS model.

    - The attenuation issue is user impacted and minor behavioral issues can abate it almost entirely.

    - Case use was far higher on 3GS vs 4 which accounts for nearly 100% of the experienced issues, thus Apple offered free cases to 4 users who did not buy a case due to supply chain and availability issues.

    - The new antenna system is more sensitive, effective and has better actual reception than either the prior model or most other competitors.

    - The issue is largely in areas of poor reception to begin with. One factor in this is USA cell cites are less densely distributed than EU sites and the limits of GSM are more revealed here. We have more geographic area to cover so carriers have opted to solve the issue with near minimum density cell site distribution.

    All of these factual, supported, known things are widely disregarded in headline style media reports that regurgitate the now disproven claim that Apple iPhone 4 has "an antenna problem", "reception issues", or "a dropped call problem". While there are limited and anecdotal examples of it, largely reproducable from known conditions, there is no there there on an overall and general basis.


    What he said.

    Call me crazy, but my iPhone 4 works great. The minority consisting of me and the other 98.6% of iPhone 4 users probably just hasn't seen the problem yet, right?

    May 4, 06:16 AM
    :rolleyes: iPad 3

    Retina :cool:
    Quad Core :cool:
    Pixie dust coated. :D