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  • vendettabass
    Oct 3, 01:37 PM
    ipod hifi wireless you say :|.. that'd be cool, add a laptop battery to it too (rechargable) and it'd be a buy :-D

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  • Gibsonsoup
    Apr 12, 06:05 AM
    You've got double http://

    Thank you, Fixed :D

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:47 PM
    People talk about a so-called 'reality distortion field' about Steve Jobs and yet everyday we get people blatantly ignoring truth because it doesn't fit with their own personal world view.

    Yes, there were Palms, and Blackberries, Nokia's, Sony-Ericssons, and Panasonics etc before the iPhone but when we all saw the iPhone everyone instantly knew that was the future; touch-screen, icon based, intuitive, with an emphasis on both design and usability.

    You might not like the fact that Apple revolutionized the phone market but history says otherwise.

    Everything on the original iPhone was already in use by other phones. Apple simply combined them all together in one phone and made it simpler to use. It revolutionized yeah, by simply bringing that stuff to the front of peoples minds.

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  • MacSA
    Sep 12, 08:11 AM
    Think they will close the store this morning to update the laptop line??? or will they do it when they close the store during the live session?

    Maybe.. but theres always tomorrow for more hardware announcements :D


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  • Dragonforce
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Yay! Now, where's the cake...

    The cake is a lie.

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  • aristobrat
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    Are you telling me that Verizon got 4 times worse over the last year too?? This is the first I've heard of that.
    I don't think there's any arguing that Verizon has the most stable 3G network, but the biggest question is, if they do get the iPhone, can Verizon's 3G network maintain the same quality with a quick influx of a few million iPhone users?


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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 02:40 PM
    What is Gay History? History, while interesting, has always struck me as unimportant in educating Children for essential workforce skills. Leave history for Colleges or elective courses.

    Absolutely not. History is just as essential in building a rational model of the world as math or science is. It just has to be taught properly, without the rote memorization of dates and people. More emphasis on the impact of events in the shaping of nations and civilization.

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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 03:06 PM
    Thanks, that's good information. I actually got caught up trying to finish this function of my App but I plan immediately to deep into books and videos that I already have waiting for me. Believe or not, I'm looking forward to it. I know that as soon as give some time to read over fundamentals like the ones you mention.. it will be easier for and easier for all of you to understand my threads.

    So, self refers to my controller.. interesting.


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  • iVoid
    Sep 28, 10:53 PM
    Too many folks think just because you have wealth that you have to build a oversized Gaudy McMansion as some kind of totem to prove your wealth to the unwashed masses.

    I myself like smaller well built with high quality material and nice architecture with a large lot/waterfront.

    Actually, this seems like a McMansion to me. Very narrow to fit into a tight lot.

    Except the lot is much bigger in this case than a McMansion lot typically is. :)

    I wonder if the design was made when they couldn't tear down the old house and they thought they'd have to squeeze it in. :)

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  • siderealxxx
    May 2, 11:35 AM
    Regarding iPhone 3G users, Apple will have to find a way of addressing this 'bug' via some form of update for the simple reason that this is a potential violation of the law and basic human rights (and Apple knows it).

    Having worked professionally in areas where information relating to location (past, present and future) can genuinely put lives at risk, I personally will not stand for this and I urge other 3G users to do the same.

    If this is not addressed for 3G users, I would say you have very good grounds to push for a replacement: Apple have violated their terms of service and as a customer, you do not have to accept it.


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  • asphalt-proof
    Jan 13, 09:07 PM
    My predictions are thus: (feel free to write them down and pass them down to your grandchildren to be read as scripture)

    1. There will be much "boom-age"

    2. But it will be a hollow sounding 'boom'

    3. iTunes rentals of movies

    4. Updates on on the laptop line

    5. A presentation of of the SDK and what some devs have already produced on it along with a software update on iphone

    6. A heartfelt thanks to the employees and their families

    6. end of Keynote

    7. Much weeping and lamentation on the internets.

    I think that "something in the Air" may be referring to rentals of movies, and maybe .Mac intergration with the iPhone. Maybe there will be an ultralight macbook released as well, but don't we usually see SOME evidence of something concrete by this time. If nothing else, at least a blurry photo of something in an elevator. but this time, nothing.... nada. Maybe they have found all the leaks and have efficiently and effectively plugged them. But it just seems too quiet. I predict a less than exciting Macworld this year.:(

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  • kdarling
    May 2, 07:44 PM
    I really don't see the point. If you wanted to install your own "homebrew" apps without using the App Store, you can already do so by using "ad-hoc deployment" or joining the Enterprise Developer Program. Either option makes rolling out your own apps simple.

    1) I think you're really missing one whole point of jailbreaking, which is to allow officially unsupported modifications such as widgets on the lockscreen.

    2) The Dev Programs cost money, which a lot of home developers don't want to spend. Even personal ad-hoc is going to cost $100 a year just to allow an app to run on your own and friends' devices.

    After five years, that'll be $500 just to keep your app(s) running, something that costs almost nothing to do on other systems for eternity... not to mention the pain of keeping dev profiles up to date on your friends' devices.

    As pointed out before, that's one reason why the Apple App Store is so full of junk. Many home developers post their personal apps in the Store just so they won't have to babysit the devices of everyone they know.


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  • justperry
    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    I hope this is true... I really would like to have a more rugged case design on the iPhone (planning on getting the next version). I had the 3G iPhone and the back plate always felt flimsy / fragile.

    For the antenna - could the antenna placement be put near the apple logo on the back (maybe that is plastic) or -- might there be enough antenna surface to receive through the front?

    I also wonder if they could tie an antenna to the bezel on the front of the phone, or integrate it into the aluminum enclosure on the back. Not knowing metallurgy, I am not sure if there is a way to turn aluminum to a receptive material or could the case be of an aluminum alloy to allow reception?

    No way Dude.
    All of the phones that I see open to see the internals had metal shields in the front to get less radiation from the antenna.
    It is still not proven whether or not U can get cancer from radio waves.
    But,I do know certain places where radio waves will kill U.
    Don't even come close to a very high power antenna from a radio station,a T.L. will even light up if you hold it nearby.

    Making an antenna of the aluminium casing is impossible,don't U think Apple and others would have done that long time ago:eek:

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  • g7by08believeit
    Oct 3, 05:02 PM
    apple phone - no
    Motorola already has iTunes on the SLVR (only 100 songs, but with a removeable mini sandisk chip you can switch anytime you like!)
    I'm betting that motorola was smart enough to hold the market for iTunes on phones for at least a year.

    MBP - updated either before holidays or nothing until santa rosa

    iWork/iLife, of course.

    OS X 10.5- hopefully, but i would'nt be surprised/dissapointed if not

    iRetire - no

    iTV - yep
    i believe this will be the big announcement - but i believe as far as hardware releases go, not a lot... this will be mainly for software updates/releases.

    ipod touchscreen - doubtful


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  • Sky Blue
    Mar 28, 02:22 PM
    It's a little cheeky, sure, but the Design Award isn't really anything but marketing opportunity for the devs.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Apr 10, 05:45 AM
    Incredible movie!



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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 03:03 AM
    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?

    Would you prefer OS X Media Player?:eek:

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  • John Purple
    Jan 9, 04:20 AM
    New user interface:
    WYThIWYG (What you think is what you get) :D:D:D:D

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  • Avatar74
    Jan 15, 01:57 PM
    Personally, I think the expectations here are bordering on ridiculous. Also, when you have everyone looking to Steve Jobs for religious validation, lining up hours in advance for a freaking keynote speech... you're bound to disappoint yourself.

    Frankly, Apple still has the most impressive portfolio of products, and the innovations announced today still up the bar. It's foolish to expect an iPod or an iPhone scale innovation every year from any company, even Apple.

    And face it... because you and I aren't everyone, they aren't going to please everyone.

    As I figured when it came out, I think the real winner here is AppleTV... there's a reason for that.

    We're on the edge of a technological convergence of entertainment media. Apple appears to be moving slowly away from the concept of removable storage to wireless streaming, and AppleTV is no small part of that.

    Steve Jobs said it would eventually be the 4th leg in their portfolio... And with the rentals model, and the ability to search and purchase movies and music from the interface, along with all its other features, AppleTV is unlocking a door that others are already committing to follow...including Netflix and LG.

    The one problem in picking that lock for Apple has been HD... and they're clearly reading the public sentiment and working on upping the ante with HD and SD viewable content on AppleTV, iPod, iPhone, Mac, PC, etc.

    This is really the future of technology... and one of Apple's big goals... to connect your office, your living room and your mobile existence all together.

    But if you were expecting it all to happen at once... think again. The public is not ready for that, and the R&D costs alone, plus deployment, would be tremendous and if you operate like Microsoft you find yourself spending 7 years to deploy a bigger leap only to find out it's a dud. Apple is smart for taking kiddie steps before they run with it.

    The next kiddie step, I suspect, is multitouch... Granted, I'm sure some were hoping for a full blown multitouch display. I know I was.. but not everyone is ready for that experience just yet. In fact, I'd say a lot of people are't.

    So Apple is introducing it gradually... first Mighty Mouse (yes, this is a capacitance sensing surface), then iPhone, now the multitouch trackpad... sooner or later they're going to have enough public reaction to tell them when the right time to go full-throttle will be.

    That's part of the game, guys, they release a step below the "product to end all products" that you are asking of them so they can figure out what works, what doesnt, and then invest in the improvements. Otherwise, they could go broke pretty damn quickly... and then you're left with nothing to look forward to except the next Toshiba POS laptop or the next iteration of Windows sometime 15 years from now...

    So keep voicing the concerns, but my feeling is... If you want to do more than just vent and actually have your concerns taken as serious criticism and not the ravings of a disappointed fanboy, try voicing them constructively, and at the same time know the old adage... caveat emptor... let the buyer beware. No one puts a gun to your head to buy this stuff. Before you go shelling out for gadgets or getting your expectations up, do some research and lower your expectations.

    I'm just happy that the company that introduced me to computers 30 years ago is still around making great hardware.

    Oct 11, 11:50 AM
    I'd like to see this thing come out soon, but I'm not in the market for anything of the sort, unless it's more like a PDA than the current iPods. But, for now, let's all let it go, the prophecy will come true. Besides who's actaully going to buy that brick of a MP3 player anyway, it looks thicker than my Powerbook. Micro$oft hasn't gotten the whole elegance thing down yet, so no worries.

    May 3, 02:20 PM
    So much for the freedom of being open :rolleyes:

    - carriers adding crapware by default
    - carriers blocking certain apps
    - carriers preventing you from updating to the latest OS (or if you are lucky only delay it for a long time)
    - android was the only mobile platform where the remote wipe had to be used once for 'bad' apps

    .... yep, way to go Android - open is good (for carriers, not the user) :D

    Apr 29, 03:47 PM
    Bummer, I really liked the iOS-style scrollbars. My favorite thing about Lion is the inverted scrolling. It feels more natural on a touchpad once you get used to it.

    Oct 28, 06:17 PM
    [QUOTE=eric_n_dfw;2992297]I'd love to be able to legally install OS X on a Dell or build-it-myself PC, even it it wasn't $0, but Apple would tank in no time as they make the lion's share of their money selling hardware. Especially when Dell's can sell this cheap: Is one MacBook Pro C2D worth two Dells? (http://blog.dealnews.com/?p=75)

    That's IF you jump through hoops, IF you find the discount coupon, and IF Dell honors it. You WILL get an inferior machine in every way to Apple's offerings. If you simply call up Dell and order a machine, you won't get that price.

    Trust me, I do this for a living - you don't put Dell and quality in the same page, let alone sentence.

    That being said, Apple would do fine on software sales. Especially if they significantly upped their software sales. At least 1 OEM has said they would love to ditch Windows at the first sight of a capable OS. OS X is that OS. All Apple would have to do is shift from a primarily hardware company to an iPod/hardware and software co.

    Nov 16, 02:50 PM

    Hopefully Apple will stick with the best for now. (Intel) I've seen the promises AMD has but it's leaning toward 4x4 to compete with Intel. What's on the lower end for the average user when a Core 2 beats the pants off of what AMD has out.