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  • deathcab4xtina
    Mar 17, 09:16 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    No offense to the real mentally handicapped, but dude you are ****ing retarded.

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  • ironsienna
    Apr 30, 09:23 AM
    more like late 2012. milestone 2 already leaked

    Late 2012??…. I think we finally found what the cause of the doomsday will be…!

    And even if they are not the cause, they have to be 2012-end-of-the-world proof safe :D

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  • AHDuke99
    Apr 15, 12:29 PM
    It can't be all metal. Otherwise it will have some serious signal issues.

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  • ddrueckhammer
    Mar 21, 08:34 AM
    Came home from work today to find the window on my back door busted open and my Xbox 360 gone. They left the Wii, PS2, 32" Samsung LCD TV, stereo, MacBook, a ton of DVDs, CDs, and games. Just took the 360, 2 controllers, the XBox Live camera and some games.

    Called the cops, they came out, dusted for prints (didn't find anything good), tooks some pictures and wrote up a report. I still have all the reciepts for the 360 so I was able to give them the serial number and thanks to Delicous Library, I had a list of all the games that were stolen.

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    But really now, who the heck does that?? A bunch of ********* kids I'm guessing. "Oh, lets steal the $400 Xbox instead of the $1500 TV or the laptop." What is this world coming to?? I live in a quiet neighborhood. The only thing I have ever seen a cop around here for is to break up a party down the road on New Years Eve. There are families with young children, a newlywed couple, a couple friends down the road. We all know each other, nobody has ever had a problem like this.

    The cops didn't give me much hope for recovering anything and I really wasn't expecting them to. It just really ticks me off that someone can have such little respect for someone else's property. Its not even a matter of the money, my landlord has good homeowner's insurance and he is a friend of mine so I think he will file a claim for me.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd post my little rant here and toss my gamertag out there. If anyone sees rtdgoldfish on Xbox Live, let them know they are a no good peice of ****** playing on a stolen system. Or if anyone knows how to track something like this, that would be great!

    Man that sucks hard. Last year our apartment was broken into and my girlfriend's 17" Powerbook was stolen and oddly enough some undergarmets from Victoria's Secret. That was all they stole too...I didn't understand why they didn't take the plasma, stereo equipment, jewelry etc. The cops said that the theives were probably in a hurry...

    Anyway, there probably isn't anything you can do about it. The cops almost never get prints and (at least in my area) are pretty apathetic about this type of thing. In our case, they didn't really investigate too much at all. There were reports of similar cases at other apartment complexes around the area but I got the feeling that none of the police departments share evidence or collaborated on it because when I called the detectives about it they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about.

    My parents were on vacation last year and their luggage was stolen out of their car. They tried to file on their homeowners insurance but the insurance company said they had to have pictures and reciepts for everything they lost. So now my Mom takes pictures of everything she buys :) ....She asked me to run to the store and get some milk for her last weekend and I felt like asking her if I should bring the camera.

    Delicious Library is an awesome program!

    In any case, install an alarm system. We have a wifi camera system, an alarm, new locks, and the complex put a guard at the gate. Hopefully, that is enough to deter any more burglaries.

    If you guys don't already know about them, look up bump keys. They are scary. Anyone can open up just about any lock with minimal effort.

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  • quigleybc
    Oct 3, 01:07 PM
    Here are my predictions (hold on to your pocket-protectors):

    Steve will enter the stage, the crowd will go wild, and he'll work on quieting them with lines such as, "I'd like to get started; we have a lot of great products I'd like to show you..."

    We'll all proceed to connect to MacRumors and complain about how ****** stupid Apple is, yet continue buy every new release of anything they've ever produced.

    Ya, that might happen, but last year he brought out the MBP which a pretty big announcement, so I'm hoping for good results again this year.

    Like maybe a 12" MPB ? or a normal priced Black MacBook...

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  • MattSepeta
    May 4, 03:55 PM
    Exactly. Physicians can't be sitting there going through every single life hazard.

    "Do you walk across the street?"
    "You should look both ways."
    "No ****!"

    "Do you go to the mall?"
    "You should keep children under the age of 5 close at your side at all times."
    "No ****!"

    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

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  • DiamondMac
    Mar 25, 11:33 AM
    The ability to know that my computer will load, not break down, etc...has been price-less for me with Mac OS's

    Love it and will continue using it

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  • Santabean2000
    Oct 4, 07:08 AM
    This is the Mac mini of houses at best.

    Wow. Some of you really are hooked on the bigger is better buzz.

    Seriously, get out and see some of the world. Perspective people. The world is NOT just the US.

    Anyone tootin' on these forums (including myself) can consider themselves truly blessed.

    A Mac mini house..? Hardly. It's a mansion by any worldly measure.

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  • iJawn108
    Nov 16, 05:30 PM
    why why why why why their mobile line is not as good as intels.

    I think apple should team up with sun microsystems and make sparc notebooks than. Starting at a low price of $5000.:p

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 29, 08:03 AM
    1. You intentionally ignored the point that referred to Apple's Terms of Service. For example, applications like VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop or even SuperDuper! could never be distributed through the Mac AppStore because they belong in a category that Apple does not ALLOW in their AppStore. As a matter of fact, even their own Xcode violates their TOS. But they wouldn't be Apple if the same rules also applied to themselves...

    2. There won't be a Microsoft AppStore for Windows INTEGRATED INTO WINDOWS. EVER. Why? Because they can't for LEGAL reasons. Anti-trust lawsuits, anyone? Microsoft would only get away with that if they implemented a "choose your AppStore" program that would let the people choose which online store they want to use - just like they had to do it for the web browsers. I think that Apple should also be forced to do the same. After all, there is at least one other "AppStore" for the Mac out there that is even OLDER than Apple's own AppStore, and Apple misuses their power to drive those guys out of business. People stopped using Netscape when Internet Explorer came pre-installed on the operating system. Now people will not even try to look for another online store when the AppStore and iTunes are pre-installed on their computers. The same thing. The same rules should apply to Apple as they obviously apply to Microsoft.

    Winni.... you're obviously playing lawyer and have no idea what you're talking about. Microsoft could do what Apple is doing. There is nothing illegal or anti trust about distributing software. They just have to play by the same rules as everyone else. If Apple was to give away the distribution, that would be more in line with anti-trust because then they would be using their power to give something that others pay for. As long as Microsoft would keep their rules within the boundaries of the industry practice, they would be fine to do the same.

    Things change and companies with the better idea's thrive while others go away. Music stores are dying. Video stores are dying. Book stores are dying and software distribution stores are dying. But not because of just Apple.... because with the digital age many companies are by-passing channel completely and going direct. What Apple does would be no different than Ford or Mercedes distributing 3rd party accessories through their dealerships to their customers.

    Also.... your rights on software depends on what's in the license when you buy it. If it's non-transerable, it's non-transferable. That's why you can get away with buying some of this software for $5. But it's not your legal right to resell. That depends on the license you agree to.

    Whoa! The jury is still out as to whether the Mac App Store is a success. While a few apps at the top have trumpeted their success, I dare say there is a far greater mass of apps that are doing less business than before the Mac App Store opened.

    In my own market segment the Mac App Store has reduced the cash flow for everyone due largely, among other factors, to the increased and sustained visibility of the freebies. It is crazy for Apple to court developers and then throw up a list of freebies alongside my own paid offering. Thanks so much -- for nothing! Where are the free alternatives to Garage Band, Keynote, or Numbers? You can be sure they are not on the same page in the Mac App Store...

    As far as I am concerned as a developer, the Mac App Store is a waste of time unless we can all go write $1.99 apps that get downloaded by a million people (good luck!). Anything that requires significant development time is a loss. Plus, anything that costs real money can't be tried first from the Mac App Store. Developers still have to maintain websites, demos, and bandwidth but then pay Apple 30% for the sale in an environment that depresses prices. Success? By what measure and for whom?

    I hear your point, but disagree. Putting your software in the App store will not guarantee success or failure. People buy what's worth it to them. They will pay for what meets their needs. Also, they have to know you exist too. Yes, the App Store can give you exposure, but you still have to market and sell your solution for people to find you or want you. Plus, the AppStore is one outlet and your other outlets should never be abandoned.

    However... you're point on price is one to be considered. If you want to get impulse buys, you have to be impulsed priced. And as you point out... that is hard to compete in too.... back to my first point.

    Please don't take me wrong... I'm not saying you're wrong... just pointing out that the AppStore does not guarantee anything if you don't have good sales and marketing behind it. Also, you have to have software people want.

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  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:11 PM
    This totally reminds me of when capitalism goes too far...

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  • azentropy
    Dec 13, 02:47 PM
    I just don't see Apple creating a situation where they're going to have 2 separate refresh dates for the iPhone. Whatever they do, they're going to make it so they refresh ALL of their iPhones around June of every year. Otherwise they're going to put one of the carriers at a distinct disadvantage because Verizon will have the latest technology for up to 6 months before it goes to ATT--which will hurt apple sales overall.

    Actually I think this is what might happen, eventually. But rather than AT&T getting the same spec iPhone "A" 6 months later, they will get the "B" with some improvements, then the next year Verizon gets the "C" 6 months after that and so on... Where they will just keep leap frogging each other. I think the market is moving too fast for Apple to continue with just yearly updates.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 25, 12:39 PM
    One day I guess they will finally get rid of the horrid great chunks of bezel above and below the screen.

    Always looks horrid with MASSIVE blank areas.

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  • apfhex
    Jan 9, 01:52 PM
    Question: When did the keynote end? Was it 11 PM EST or PST?
    If it were to end 11 PM EST, wow, what a long keynote! 11 hours! :D :p

    If it had ended 11 AM EST, it would have ended an hour before it began. :D :p

    It ended 11 AM PST, like usual.

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  • thenetstud
    Jan 10, 06:44 PM
    Silent update:

    Current wired keyboard now comes in a wireless version.

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  • weldon
    Oct 17, 01:54 PM
    I realize that the discussion has gone off towards the relative merits of each format, but I'm going to go back to the original statement that Apple is going to support both...

    This is non-news. Because Apple is involved in content creation (Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, etc.), they are going to support both formats so that people can author discs for HD-DVD and Blu-ray and create fancy menus, etc. It's no big leap to go from supporting authoring content targeted at both formats to supporting hardware to play and burn both formats.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 25, 11:52 AM
    3.7" is the most appropriate phone size imo. I use htc trophy 7 which is 3.8" and it's just a bit bigger. 3.5" is a bit small though.

    Anything greater than 3.8" is a giant screen. Can't imagine using one of those.

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  • leekohler
    Jan 15, 01:52 PM
    Hmm- I was excited about the MacBook Air, then I saw the price. Far too much money for way too little. Looks like I'll still be hanging onto my iBook G4.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 1, 10:07 AM
    I seriously don't understand why people and countries have a problems with Apple's DRM???? You don't have to buy from iTunes and if you do, you know the limitations of that download. If you don't like it, buy elsewhere... iTunes is hardly a monopoly... besides, wouldn't you rather have the CD so you can rip it into a lossless format, have the CD sleeve, etc.???

    I've purchased a lot off of iTunes and then I bought an Archos PMP. Ya it sucked that I couldn't play my iTunes music on there without burning it to CD and re-ripping it, but so what! I knew what I was getting when I downloaded from iTunes so I have no right to bitch.

    Jan 5, 03:00 PM
    Why did Apple do away with live feeds of the event? That seems like a good idea. What are they trying to avoid?

    Apr 15, 04:14 PM
    I call yours fake. They forgot to put in the switch.

    This (black plastic)http://assets.gearlive.com/blogimages/gallery/iphone-unboxing/13-iphone-mute-volume_medium.jpg

    is different than this (hole)http://media.boygeniusreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/30951.jpg

    First off, it's supposedly a picture of the next-gen phone, it's not going to have the same rocker as the current or previous model. My 3G doesn't have the same switch as the first-gen iPhone.
    Second, it's supposedly photos of the CASE, not the whole phone.

    And, as someone pointed out in the MacRumors thread with these pictures, there's no space for the camera flash, which the next-gen phone supposedly will have, as there are things pointing to it in the OS 4.0 Beta. They're most likely fakes. Not the best ones, but certainly not terrible either.

    Aug 8, 05:46 AM
    the specs for the UK model has NOT been updated UK Specs (http://www.apple.com/uk/displays/specs.html) compared to the US model US Specs (http://www.apple.com/displays/specs.html)

    Will the UK get the updated Apple Cinema Displays specs? As well as the price drops? I'm looking to get either a 20" or 23" display with educational discount before going back to Uni in Sept.


    Oct 6, 02:23 PM
    Are you amongst tall buildings when you experience these dropped calls on Verizon? Maybe Verizon drops these calls because of the same reason AT&T does....

    Don't get me wrong. I won't get an iPhone until I can get it on Verizon. I live in AZ and there are only two small spots where I ever lose a call and most of the time when I am in these areas, the calls do not drop.

    Verizon...Get the iPhone.
    You must not live in north Phoenix.
    Verizon blows up here. Even the company I work for, who had a Verizon contract for years, dropped them and went to AT&T. We got tired of missing calls and text alerts when a system went down.

    And no, we don't use iPhones either. Only Nokia, Samsung or Blackberry phones.

    Apr 26, 10:53 AM
    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.

    What box? Not seeing one here (Firefox 4 on Windows Vista at work)